Fisk University and Denmark Technical College Join ACRRE Initiative to Foster Sustainable Energy Solutions

We are thrilled to announce that the ACRRE @ HBCUs initiative has expanded its reach by welcoming two new participants, Fisk University and Denmark Technical College.

Today, two new participants have been added to the Accelerate Climate Resiliency and Renewable Energy @ HBCUs Initiative known as ACRRE @ HBCUs. These institutions join Xavier University, the first ACRRE HBCU. ACRRE will continue taking in participants on a rolling basis until 40 HBCUs are reached. To find out more, please visit

And it is with full hearts that we congratulate, Fisk University and Denmark Technical College. Like Xavier University, these institutions demonstrated a strong interest in becoming resilient and green and the team saw that our program could have a significant impact on the university, its students, and the neighboring community. To celebrate Fisk and Denmark with us, visit our facebook site at

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